What if you could become a confident, in-demand music producer without the self-doubt and overthinking, simply by starting a few new habits today?

Discover the principles and habits that take you from stuck and frustrated about where to start to thriving in a sustainable and impactful career.


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Kevin "KTGotBeats"Taylor

Hi, I’m KT, music producer, producer coach, and music tech consultant. I’m stoked to help you become the music producer that the world needs, without sacrificing your values.

I always believed I was destined to make an impact in the world.

And I always loved music. I wasn’t quite sure where I needed to start in order to make a career like that happen, but I was definitely going to try. I knew I wanted my life to have meaning and purpose.

So back in 2002, I got my hands on a keyboard my pops had laying around (I definitely couldn’t afford a laptop). I thought I was set. I said “ok, now I can start making great music!”.

But within a few months, I was feeling stuck. I didn’t know where to start - what to learn first, how to use the keyboard, or if it was even really a possibility. This was LONG before YouTube. My pops was a long-time musician, but he was still figuring it out too, and didn’t have the answers I needed.

Even after several years, I was just a guy making a few beats at home.

I had a couple local rappers who made songs on my tracks, but it didn’t go anywhere.

I wanted to be able to call myself a music producer, but I wasn’t acting like one. I was dreading whenever someone said “I heard you’re trying to become a music producer…” because they would look at me like I was a joke.

I wanted to be seen as legit and get respect for my passion.

Finally, years later, I began to connect with veteran producers.

They knew exactly how to navigate the obstacles I was facing.

How cool would it be to really operate like a professional, never allowing the tough moments to stop me from my goal?

That sounded appealing to me because I wanted to stop doubting myself and become the music producer I knew I could be.

Having that was as important to me as anything else in my life at the time. I saw that these other producers had belief in themselves AND high demand! And they didn’t stress the little things like which kick drums to use or feel like they had to have the latest software to make great music.

But I would have never believed that was possible without some guidance.

So if you feel stuck where you are, it’s not your fault.

Becoming a music producer as it’s sold “out there” is a myth.

Here’s the general idea that’s sold to you now:

Step 1: Buy an expensive computer, figure out the “best” DAW, and get all of the plugins you see your favorites use.

Step 2: You need to setup an elaborate studio with the proper soundproofing, and spend hundreds or thousands MORE on a midi keyboard, great monitors (speakers), and good headphones.

Step 3: Watch all of the best YouTubers to learn all the latest tricks in order to be GREAT.

Step 4: Buy a masterclass on mixing and mastering otherwise you’ll never make it.

Step 5: Once you do that, you’ll be able to sell your beats for thousands online and get placements.

Step 6: Be rich and famous.

Come on man, that’s BS!

You don’t need to spend thousands to start as a producer.

You don’t need learn HOURS of tutorials about all of the latest shortcuts and automation hacks.

Buying all the most expensive gear isn’t a gameplan! And it’s also not MAKING MUSIC!

And how do you know what’s considered the “best” anyway?

And why are you even starting in the first place?

And why is everyone so ego driven?

Look, becoming a confident producer with purpose isn’t a magic trick. It takes work.

But it takes strategic work - and when done properly, you can sustain it for the long haul.

“Is becoming a music producer really possible then?”

The answer is a resounding YES!

But the idea of a “music producer” has become loaded.

People automatically assume that it means you have to have a million dollar studio setup and only work with superstars, or you’re not serious.

I think the truth is that a music producer is someone who can confidently bring a vision to life through music production.

And THAT is very possible. In fact, over the past 20+ years, I’ve been able to produce for hundreds of releases, attain millions of streams, have consistent inspiration and produce with a purpose. My clients are happy, whether they be artists, motivational speakers, TV networks, audiobook authors and many more.

Artists come back over and over again, bringing in regular income and royalties.

And the best part?

I feel confident with every new project I take on and I don’t feel like I’ve sold out. I’ve turned down deals to keep my freedom.

Sure, I didn’t start with that level of confidence, for SURE, but that’s because I didn’t know any better.

Over the past 20 years I’ve learned (the hard way) how to ACTUALLY have a sustainable and impactful career as a music producer, while being able to work with bigger music companies to consult them on how to help creators.

If you’re skeptical - welcome to the club.

If you were to ask me back in 2001 if I believed that I knew exactly what it takes to start producing for worldwide speakers who trust me with their entire vision, I would have just laughed in your face and then grilled you with questions like this:

KT Then:

“Man nobody thinks this is a real option for a career, much less to make an impact on the world or real money - am I supposed to just pretend like this isn’t tough?"

KT Now:

Not at all. That would be delusional. The best part about understanding where you’re going is that you can actually start to believe that despite what people have said, or what you’ve heard or experienced, you now know exactly what it takes to keep going. There's no need to act like the path will be easy, because you can face it head on with the right mindset.

KT Then:

"But that’s the problem, I don’t feel ready, because I can’t afford all of the tools I feel like I need to really get started."

KT Now:

When you know what to focus on and what you can ignore, getting started doesn’t require much beyond whatever is in your budget.

KT Then:

"But everybody seems to know how to play an instrument super well or understand music theory and I don’t feel confident in my skills."

KT Now:

Trust me, some of the best music producers that I know with lots of placements, AND some of the most famous producers, don’t have any music training. Plus, even with some musical background like I had, it didn’t guarantee I would make the music that helped me get where I wanted to go.


Unlocking 20 Years of secrets to defeat self-doubt, get unstuck and create with confidence, so that you can finally turn your passion of producing into a sustainable and impactful career, no matter where you’re starting.

Music Producer Powerstart will help you create:


More Savings in Your Pocket

Your value as a producer is no longer determined by always needing the latest, most expensive hardware, software, plugins and VSTs.

More Time Flexibility

Stop wasting time chasing pointless trends, overthinking every move you make and leave behind hours and hours of YouTube rabbit holes that take you nowhere.

Fulfilling and Meaningful Work

Wake up and create with purpose that truly matters to you and go to bed satisfied knowing that you’re building something truly valuable.

A Lasting Impact on the World

Know that everything you work on and create is actually moving you toward a goal of creating to make the world a better place.

This program is focused on 3 core areas:

These 3 components are blended into this course as I coach you through the most important things you NEED to know, the most important things I’d AVOID, and the most important things I WISH I’d known when I got started.

After that, you’ll literally be able to start exactly where you are and continue to apply what you learn as you grow in your journey.

If you apply what you learn here - you will see the difference and so will everyone else!

Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll learn inside the 15 core lessons of Music Producer Powerstart:

Module 1 - What you NEED to know


  • How to discover they WHY that will empower every decision you make in your producer journey
  • Step by step how a schedule sets apart the amateurs from the pros so you can be taken seriously
  • Proof why your DAW and plugins essentially DON’T MATTER when you’re starting
  • The best ways to ensure you can create without burning out 


Module 2 - What I'd AVOID


  • How to win DAYS of your life back from online rabbit holes
  • Life’s MISLEADING motivations that cause even the best producers to give up
  • The worst habits that will stop you dead in your tracks and what to do instead
  • How to know who your audience is NOT


Module 3 - What I WISH I'd Known


  • The ego killer that takes you further than you could have dreamed
  • Why quality is actually the WRONG goal at the beginning, and what to replace it with
  • Simple arrangement adjustments that will speed up workflow exponentially
  • The thought process you should have from day one to save you from burning out


+BONUS recommendations for continued learning and growth beyond the course

“KTGotBeats is my Timbaland, my Neptunes. My music would not be anywhere near where it is today without him. Thank you!”

- Rylic Zander

Producer, Artist, Songwriter

Music Producer Powerstart is for you if...

  • You’re tired of wasting time scouring the internet for the next step in becoming a producer
  • You’re exhausted with the hours of online content you’ve consumed only to still feel unmotivated and discouraged
  • You’re fed up with the scammy, get-rich-quick promises producers make, who don’t actually care about your progress in your journey
  • You’re passionate about finding a way to produce music that people actually care about rather than just beats
  • You believe you have a deeper purpose to create music for the world
  • You’re willing to learn and apply the principles that will make you stand apart from the crowd in the best way possible


This is NOT for you if...

  • You’re expecting a magic pill to making money. I can’t promise that.
  • You expect to get results without any effort. You have to be passionate about this journey and willing to put in the time it’ll take to follow these principles.

“It really feels like the market is just too crowded now. Is it really possible for me to stand out today?”

Absolutely. And there are still music producers doing this today. It comes down to really and truly understanding why you’re here, along with having the right principles and habits to last through the tough times.

In fact, the reason most producers DON’T stand out is because they don’t practice what I teach in this course.


“How much financial investment will it really take to start as a music producer? I don’t have a ton of money to put into this right now.”

I definitely understand where you’re coming from with this, trust me, I’ve been there. What most people don’t tell you in today’s world of gurus is that you can start with as little as a mobile phone and a free DAW (they do exist). I know for a FACT through one of the companies I’ve consulted for that there are people around the world who are doing this as we speak.

Don’t be mesmerized by these fancy studio setups and the way producers on social media show off. They don’t use most of that stuff anyway!


“Do I need to use a particular DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) to get value from this course?”

Nope! Doesn't matter which DAW you currently use or are considering using. However, we'll talk about what REALLY matters when it comes to DAW choice.

Most people online are biased toward one DAW or another, but great music is made in EVERY way possible. You’d be surprised what people are capable of with the fewest resources. Don’t let that get in your way.


“How long do I have access to the course?”

After enrolling, you have unlimited access to the course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.


“I might be too young or too old for this course.”

I doubt it. This course is for anyone who’s ready to defeat self-doubt, get unstuck and create with confidence. So if you meet that criteria, you are who can benefit from this course.


“I don’t have the time to go through a course right now. I have tons of responsibilities to take care of.”

I can tell you this. You could get through this course easily in a weekend by spending less than the time of your favorite Netflix show per day.

However, I’d encourage you to rewatch the lessons that help you the most, so that you really understand how to make them a part of who you are.


“I already have great YouTube channels I follow online that help me.”

Well, for one - that may be partially true, but if they were everything you needed, I doubt you’d be here right now. But more imporantly, two - how many more years do you want to rely on YouTube to make you feel like making progress? The point of online content is to help get you from point A to B. If you still feel like you’re at point A, then something is broken.

This course will play a huge part in keeping you from constantly needing to live online in video rabbit holes.

Music Producer Powerstart isn't based on fads or trends

Instead it is based on a core philosophy of generosity and wisdom. Of giving massive value, sharing the secrets no one wants to give away, so that you can save the years of life I wasted and do this for a lifetime.

And you don’t have to buy a THING for this course in order to get started.

Now hopefully you’re starting to see how powerful this program is!

From stuck and frustrated about where to start to thriving in a sustainable and impactful career, Music Producer Powerstart is your first step.


And because this information is so powerful, clients and companies are hiring me to consult their teams on how to build the right tools and products for other up and coming producers.

I’ve even been able to charge over $5000 to teach some producers what I know one-on-one.

Some people pay $40k+ for tuition at top arts schools PER YEAR.

Others spend thousands for trendy courses that are irrelevant within a couple of years.

But I know that producers figuring out where to start don’t have that kind of cash and I don’t need to get over on anyone to make my honest living.

And that’s why you can get instant access to the entire Music Producer Powerstart program for just one payment of $147

Click the button to get started today!


See what else people are saying...

Don't forget: it's completely risk free


I’ve packed Music Producer Powerstart with the keys that truly were the unlock for me in my journey because not only do I want you to get survive this ride, but THRIVE. We need more people who do this for the right reasons like you.

And to make it a no-brainer deal for you I’m giving you a 30 day 100% money-back guarantee with your purchase of Music Producer Powerstart today.

That’s right: Go through the course, start applying immediately from day one, build the habits, put in the work and if you don’t notice a difference in the first 30 days of your purchase, send me an email and I’ll refund you immediately. No questions asked, no hard feelings.

If Music Producer Powerstart doesn’t work for you, I’d much prefer for you to take your money and invest it where you will be happier and get results. I just want you to unlock your potential!

Also, if you sign up for Music Producer Powerstart today you'll receive some exclusive bonuses:

Bonus 1 - A 1-hour coaching session directly with me

($100 Value)

Where we can discuss anything about your producer journey from:

  • Where to go from where you are exactly in your journey
  • How to improve your producing skills
  • Working with artists in and outside of the studio
  • How music producers get paid
  • Additional revenue streams
  • Dealing with imposter syndrome
  • Or other topics

Bonus 2 - My entire collection of exclusive guides

($150 value)

Get Me Unstuck Starter Guide to uncover the hidden truths blocking your producer journey, where you learn:

  • The HIDDEN truths underneath your innocent excuses that are blocking your progress
  • The exact ways to start counter-acting these excuses TODAY
  • How to be honest with yourself AND others about where you are so that you can move forward


Repeat Artist Clients Guide to turn artists into repeat clients with 3 non-salesy skills, where you learn:

  • The 3 skills you need to get repeat artist clients to come back to you every time
  • How to tap into the side of artists most people ignore
  • The best way to establish respect and credibility with artists
  • The method to become their trusted advisor throughout their career


New Producer’s Guide to Escape Burnout, with 15 counter-intuitive practices to prevent burnout and renew your creative spark - starting TODAY.

  • The 5 biggest challenges that cause burnout in the first place
  • 15 counter-intuitive practices to prevent burnout from day 1
  • How to implement these practices in your life starting TODAY
  • How these practices can actually give you a creative spark

“As a coach, you've definitely helped me know when I'm too critical on myself, and helped me get out the box! And I appreciate you challenging me when I get too comfortable.”

- Jacob M.

Music Producer

So here's what you're getting with the Music Producer Powerstart program:

  • All 15 Music Producer Powerstart core lessons ($5000 value)
  • BONUS: A 1-hour coaching session directly with me ($100 value)
  • BONUS: Repeat Artist Clients Guide ($50 value)
  • BONUS: New Producer’s Guide to Avoid Burnout ($50 value)
  • BONUS: Get Me Unstuck Starter Guide ($50 value)

TOTAL value for all of this amazing guidance = $5,200+


If all this did was...

If all this program did was save you thousands of dollars from needing to buy unnecessary hardware, software, plugins and VSTs, would it be worth it?

If all this program did was reignite your confidence as a music producer, would it be worth it?

If all this program did was help you go from lost and stagnant to focused and finishing, would it be worth it?

But today you get access to all of this for only one payment of $147

Click the button to get started instantly!


You're seconds away...

When you login to the private members area, you’ll be able to access the entire Music Producer Powerstart program and begin watching video trainings immediately.

You can take the course on any device you like: computer, tablet of phone. As long as you have internet access, you have the course!

Oh and by the way, when you join you get lifetime access to this material - even if I update and add to it in the future.

Don't want the bonuses?

Now - if for some reason you don’t want all of of these bonuses and the coaching call, I’m offering you a basic version of the course.

You’ll still get all 15 Music Producer Powerstart core lessons, and a matter of fact, I’ll still give you the BONUS recommendations ton continue learning and growth beyond the course and the Get Me Unstuck Starter Guide, because I just want you to have those.

But you won’t get the powerful 1-hour coaching call directly with me, the Repeat Artist Clients Guide, and the New Producer’s Guide to Avoid Burnout.

  • All 15 Music Producer Powerstart core lessons + BONUSES ($5000 value)
  • BONUS: 1-hour coaching session directly with me ($100 value)
  • BONUS: Repeat Artist Clients Guide ($50 value)
  • BONUS: New Producer’s Guide to Avoid Burnout ($50 value)
  • BONUS: Get Me Unstuck Starter Guide ($50 value)

You can get the basic version of Music Producer Powerstart for just one payment of $97.

The choice is yours...

Pick which ever version of the course is right for you!




All 15 Music Producer Powerstart core lessons

1-hour coaching session with me

Repeat Artist Clients Guide

New Producer’s Guide to Avoid Burnout

Get Me Unstuck Starter Guide





$200 $147

All 15 Music Producer Powerstart core lessons


1-hour coaching session with me

Repeat Artist Clients Guide

New Producer’s Guide to Avoid Burnout

Get Me Unstuck Starter Guide


P.S. Don’t forget that when you join Music Producer Powerstart you are joining risk-free. You have an entire 30 days to watch the course, implement the strategies in your own life, and take action on all that you learned and THEN decide if it’s right for you.

P.P.S. Trust me when I say, once you feel the power of having direction and understanding you never have to be stuck again, you’ll never want to go back!

I know what it’s like to be scared to try something new - something that might fail. I literally needed to fall on my face over and over again before recognizing that I had to make a change.

That was scary! And I don’t wish that experience on you.

Do your future self a favor and be brave. Invest in yourself, get the wisdom that will change your life, and start thriving!

Your life will never be the same!

See you on the inside...